
Thinking positive thoughts for the planet—a happy choice is a local choice, and that’s the direction I’m going in. Hope you’ll come along!

Twenty Bag | Jun 27

Twenty Bag | Jun 27

In the June 27 Twenty Bag: Juliet grape tomatoes, heirloom tomato, shishito peppers (no heat), German Butterball potatoes, carrots, basil, Japanese eggplant, summer squash, zucchini, leeks.

Thank you Harleston Towles and Rooting Down Farms!

Who doesn’t love a tender blueberry muffin or flaky scone? But if you’re looking to beat the heat by avoiding the oven, try melting down the luscious berries in this week’s Bag and ladling the liquid gold over a bowlful of your favorite ice cream. Yes, please—here’s the how-to.

This recipe for creamy potato-leek soup is another stovetop solution for the abundance of fabulous spuds and alliums the warm months produce.

For more ideas, a quick search of sweetgrass + grits will take you to plenty more recipes—all curated with an eye toward the weekly Twenty Bag harvest.

Harleston’s storage tips: If greens of any kind begin to wilt at any point or at pick up, put them in a big bowl of ice water for 20-30 minutes. Almost all produce is washed and should go in the refrigerator. Tomatoes can stay on the counter.  Grape tomatoes may be ok in the fridge but not for long.  If heirloom is still somewhat firm, leave on the counter for a day or two and it should be perfect then.  Potatoes in a cool dark place like your pantry.  Light will cause them to turn green and sprout.  Basil in a vase of water, or protected in a bag in the fridge.  Peppers, carrots, eggplant, squash, and leeks all best protected in a bag in the fridge.  

Twenty Bag | Jul 4

Twenty Bag | Jul 4

Twenty Bag | Jun 20

Twenty Bag | Jun 20