
Thinking positive thoughts for the planet—a happy choice is a local choice, and that’s the direction I’m going in. Hope you’ll come along!

Twenty Bag | Jul 11

Twenty Bag | Jul 11

In the July 11 Twenty Bag: Freshly dug russet potatoes, carrots, vine ripe tomatoes, leeks, lunchbox peppers, Japanese eggplant, cherry tomato mix of Sungold and red cherries, cucumbers.

Thank you Harleston Towles and Rooting Down Farms!

I’m planning to double this recipe for spicy and saucy cherry tomato pasta so I can freeze a couple of containers of the sauce for later lazy days. I also see the makings of Alice Waters’ rad ratatouille in this Bag: eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, leeks, and a still fresh bouquet of basil from last week’s Bag.

For more ideas, a quick search of sweetgrass + grits will take you to plenty more recipes—all curated with an eye toward the weekly Twenty Bag harvest.

Harleston’s storage tips: If greens of any kind begin to wilt at any point or at pick up, put them in a big bowl of ice water for 20-30 minutes. Almost all produce is washed and should go in the refrigerator. Potatoes should be stored in the pantry, in a cool, DARK place.  Light will cause them to turn green and sprout.  Carrots, leeks peppers, eggplant, and cucumbers should all go in the fridge protected by a plastic bag or in a drawer.  Tomatoes on the counter.  The vine ripes will keep longer than the cherries so eat those first!

Twenty Bag | Jul 18

Twenty Bag | Jul 18

Twenty Bag | Jul 4

Twenty Bag | Jul 4