
Thinking positive thoughts for the planet—a happy choice is a local choice, and that’s the direction I’m going in. Hope you’ll come along!

Twenty Bag | Jun 15

Twenty Bag | Jun 15

In the June 15 Twenty Bag: Head lettuce, pickling cucumber mix, sweet onion, red onion, rainbow carrots, dill, snap beans, fingerling potatoes and summer squash from Lowland Farms.

Thank you Harleston Towles and Rooting Down Farm!

Harleston suggested turning the cukes into a snappy side: here’s a super easy recipe for refrigerator dill pickles that’s (almost) as simple as boiling water. I may save my dill for a higher use, like this crowd-pleasing creamy potato salad, or dill rice. If you’re doing the same, check out this recipe for pickled baby cucumbers that perks up the pickling brine with a little heat from red pepper flakes.

Toss the snap beans and head lettuce in a garlicky French vinaigrette for a healthy salad with a nice crunch. Another idea that turns them into a meal: do a stir-fry with a few carrots, onion, squash and anything in the fridge leftover from last week’s bag.

For the rest of the Bag’s haul…a quick search of sweetgrass + grits will take you to plenty more recipes—all curated with an eye toward the weekly Twenty Bag harvest.

Harleston’s storage tips: If greens of any kind begin to wilt at any point or at pick up, put them in a big bowl of ice water for 20-30 minutes. Almost all produce is already washed and should go in the refrigerator. Carrot tops should be removed immediately and juiced or discarded. Carrot roots will store ok in the crisper, but better and longer in a plastic bag. Lettuce, pickles, dill, beans, and squash in a plastic bag of sorts. Dill could also probably go in a glass of water. Onions should be stored on the counter or in the pantry. Same with the potatoes but be sure to keep them away from light or they will turn green. Pantry is best.

Twenty Bag | Jun 22

Twenty Bag | Jun 22

Twenty Bag | Jun 8

Twenty Bag | Jun 8