
Thinking positive thoughts for the planet—a happy choice is a local choice, and that’s the direction I’m going in. Hope you’ll come along!

Twenty Bag | Mar 30

Twenty Bag | Mar 30

In the March 23 Twenty Bag: Bloomsdale spinach, lettuce mix, curly kale, spring onions, Italian flat leaf parsley, celery, snow peas, rainbow carrots

Thank you Harleston Towles and Rooting Down Farm!

Saturday is race day for the thousands competing in the Cooper River Bridge Run.

Kale, peas and spinach are among the top performers when high-protein energy is necessary to get you over the Ravenel, or get you up in the morning. Power up with the drink of champions—my all veggie smoothie—a savory drink that harnesses the nutrients of kale, spinach, carrots and anything else you choose to blend into the mix.

For the rest of the Bag’s haul…a quick search of sweetgrass + grits will take you to plenty more recipes—all curated with an eye toward the weekly Twenty Bag harvest.

Harleston’s storage tips: If greens of any kind begin to wilt at any point or at pick up, put them in a big bowl of ice water for 20-30 minutes.  Almost all produce is already washed and should go in the refrigerator. Remove carrot tops from roots and juice or discard. Also suitable for carrot top pesto (add parsley?).  Carrot roots should go in the crisper drawer, and in a plastic bag if you need to keep them for an extended period of time.  Spinach and lettuce mix stay in their plastic bags.  All other items should go in a plastic bag of sorts to retain leaf moisture.  The paper bag will work for a few days though.

Twenty Bag | Apr 6

Twenty Bag | Apr 6

Twenty Bag | Mar 23

Twenty Bag | Mar 23