sweetgrass + grits

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Twenty Bag | Mar 23

In the March 23 Twenty Bag: Curly kale, green garlic, red beets, Bloomsdale spinach, cilantro, lettuce mix, carrots, and another batch of gorgeous green + purple snow peas.

Thank you Harleston Towles and Rooting Down Farm!

I couldn’t help munching on the colorful snow pea mix as I sorted and scrubbed my veggies last week. Crunchy and sweet, they’re wonderful eaten solo, and also make a great vehicle for hummus and other dips. The vibrant purple and green pods also pop in a salad or a veggie stir fry.

Check out my post for the March 16 Bag for more of my favorite ways to consume the nutrient-packed legume.

For the rest of the Bag’s haul…a quick search of sweetgrass + grits will take you to plenty more recipes—all curated with an eye toward the weekly Twenty Bag harvest.

Happy Spring, y’all!

Harleston’s storage tips: If greens of any kind begin to wilt at any point or at pick up, put them in a big bowl of ice water for 20-30 minutes.  Almost all produce is already washed and should go in the refrigerator. Remove carrot and beet tops.  Save carrot tops for juicing or chimmichurris/pestos and beet tops for salads, sauteeing.  Put roots in a plastic bag and they will keep for a couple months.  Green garlic, kale, beet tops, cilantro, and snow peas should go in a plastic bag of sorts.  Lettuce mix and spinach should stay in their respective plastic bags.