
Thinking positive thoughts for the planet—a happy choice is a local choice, and that’s the direction I’m going in. Hope you’ll come along!

Twenty Bag | Aug 18

Twenty Bag | Aug 18

It’s a party in a Bag—Squash and zucchini, "dealers choice" cucumber, fresh dug potatoes, jalapenos, sweet sunset banana peppers, Japanese eggplant, okra, lunchbox peppers and Organic Grown carrots from our friends at Crescent Farms in Spartanburg, South Carolina!

I found this easy Asian recipe for a snappy eggplant dish that employs the steamer basket—one of my favorite ways of cooking veggies that maintains their texture and nutrients that can be lost in a hard boil. The ingredient list sent me to Charleston’s popular ethnic market H&L to pick up the Chinkaing vinegar the recipe calls for, and a batch of chili crisp I’ve heard so much about and have been dying to try (more later about that later!).

Kick up your pickling prowess with a combination of sweet and heat—the sky’s the limit with the summertime bounty of peppers! Mix ‘em up in this coriander + cumin scented recipe from Martha Stewart.

Search sweetgrass + grits for more recipes I’ve curated specifically for The Twenty Bag from Harleston Towles’ Rooting Down Farms in Edisto SC.

Harleston’s storage tips: Squash, carrots, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, and okra can all go in a plastic bags of sorts in the fridge to stay protected from the cold. Potatoes in a cool dark corner on the counter, or in the pantry.

Twenty Bag | Aug 25

Twenty Bag | Aug 25

Twenty Bag | Aug 11

Twenty Bag | Aug 11