sweetgrass + grits

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Twenty Bag | Jul 7

Sweet baby belles, sugar baby watermelon, cherry tomato mix, flat leaf parsley, scallions, beets, carrots and fingerling potatoes—a mix that screams salad in this week’s Twenty Bag!

When beets are in the Bag—be happy! The nutrient-packed roots have been enjoying a heyday for a few years now. Chefs showcase them. I use beet juice as a base for my power smoothie. The beet’s rich sweetness adds layers of flavor to anything you combine it with. Cook them up and toss them with your favorite lettuces—I like crunchy romaine—a handful of goat cheese and a splash of vinaigrette for a refreshing summer salad. I usually cube and roast them at 400 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Food Network host Ina Garten sprinkles hers, hot out of the oven, with a sweet vinegar and orange juice in this roasted beet recipe. If you’re averse to turning on the oven, simmer them in water, halved, until tender, about an hour, and blend them with balsamic and alliums for a jazzy beet soup that—served hot or cold—really sings.

Cored and chopped, the baby belle peppers are another sweet addition to any salad. Mine will be paired up with the tomatoes stockpiling in my kitchen along with eggplant from last week’s bag for another batch of—can you guess?— jump here for a peek at one of my recipe faves!

Round out your next weekender with a batch of potato salad the tender fingerlings are made for. Whether you favor a creamy or herby version—it’s always a crowd pleaser! Especially followed by a thick, juicy slice of chilled baby watermelon.

Looking for more ideas? A quick search of sweetgrass + grits will take you to dozens of recipes curated with your Twenty Bag needs in mind.