
Thinking positive thoughts for the planet—a happy choice is a local choice, and that’s the direction I’m going in. Hope you’ll come along!

Twenty Bag | Feb 10

Twenty Bag | Feb 10

Bloomsdale spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, spring onions, curly parsley, rainbow carrots and Jonina Farms CV grapefruit— a little ray of sunshine in this mid-winter bag.

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, consider a healthy-ish treat for you and your sweetheart if you’re into baking: this grapefruit pound cake has the sweet/ tart thing going on, and is a family favorite compliments of my daughter. Thanks, Liz.

I enjoyed the Bloomsdale spinach from our last bag simply sauteed in a little olive oil and minced garlic. Feeling ambitious? Turn it into a complete brunch or dinner dish by adding the sauteed greens to my recipe for cheese quiche with sauteed leeks, sub the spring onions for leeks, and voila! The same approach works for the broccoli: chop the bunch into florets, steam them for about 10 minutes and add to the quiche custard, subbing a nice sharp cheddar for the gruyere. Add a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, if you have it. If not, go out and get this kitchen staple. Grey Poupon is my go-to.

Storage for all this week’s Bag is the same across the board: pop each veggie into a reusable bag or storage container and refrigerate.

Search sweetgrass + grits for plenty of recipes incorporating the cauliflower—a heartwarming cheesy gratin, perhaps—parsley and carrots.

Food is love—get cooking!

Twenty Bag | Feb 17

Twenty Bag | Feb 17

Twenty Bag | Feb 3

Twenty Bag | Feb 3