
Thinking positive thoughts for the planet—a happy choice is a local choice, and that’s the direction I’m going in. Hope you’ll come along!

Twenty Bag | Jan 6

Twenty Bag | Jan 6

Tuscan kale, gourmet lettuce heads, red cabbage, Italian flat leaf parsley, fingerling sweet potatoes, broccoli, baby rainbow carrots—the first week of the new year is looking pretty rosy!

In my hunt for the new and interesting, I found two recipes I’m eager to try—one vegetarian and one meaty. Kelli Foster’s Weeknight Veggie Stir-Fry is custom made for the Towles farm Twenty Bag full of goodies, tasty prepped with practically any vegetable you have on hand. And it will give me a nudge to dig out the wok that’s been gathering dust in the corner of my kitchen cabinet.

Eric Kim’s Roasted Chicken with Caramelized Cabbage is a pairing I’ve never seen before, and it sounds delicious! Plus, the recipe calls into action the sheet pan—a method for roasting meat I’ve also never before seen.

Imagine how beautiful the baby rainbow carrots would look on your table, plated on a white serving dish to set off their striking colors! One of my family’s favorite ways to make ‘em is simple and sweet—cut into bite-size discs and steamed with a pinch of rosemary until tender, then dressed with a bit of butter and brown sugar.


Pop them into the wok along with a bunch of your veggie faves for the afore mentioned stir-fry.

Ideas abound for the greens, sweet potatoes and parsley—simply do a search of sweetgrass + grits!

Twenty Bag | Jan 13

Twenty Bag | Jan 13

Twenty Bag | Dec 30

Twenty Bag | Dec 30