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Roasted Okra

Recipe from Martha Rose Shulman, cookbook author and New York Times Recipes for Health columnist. Her latest book, The Simple Art of Vegetarian Cooking, offers a simple and easy method for creating delicious plant-based meals every day.


1 pound okra

Salt to taste

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Fresh thyme leaves to taste optional

Freshly ground pepper


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Rinse the okra, and drain on a kitchen towel. The okra should be dry. Trim away the stem ends and the tips, just the very ends, and then place the okra in a large bowl. Salt to taste, and toss with the olive oil until coated.

Step 2

Lift the okra from the bowl, leaving behind any excess oil. Place on a sheet pan in one layer. Roast in the oven for 15 minutes (large okra might take a little longer), shaking the pan every five minutes. The okra should be lightly browned and tender, with a nice seared aroma. If you don’t want it to brown as much, set the oven at 400 degrees.

Step 3

Remove from the heat, toss with fresh thyme, if desired, and freshly ground pepper. Transfer to a platter. Serve hot.

Tip Advance preparation: You can trim the okra several hours ahead, but this is a last-minute dish.